I have a radio show in the archives from this past weekend. I'm not going to post the playlist or the link to list cause I was losing my voice steadily during the course of the program. I figured I would spare you the experience of listening to me choke my way through each break. On the bright side, what the show lacked in vocal performance I feel it made up for in musical discoveries. My favorite such discovery was this gem from Leeds band This Many Boyfriends. Of course anyone who knows me would be right to assume that I'd naturally be inclined to like a song called, "I Don't like You (Cos You Don't Like the Pastels)," but the song itself is such silly good fun I'd love it regardless of the subject matter. Good joke songs are a tricky thing to pull off, and this one is a big winner in that category. Really simple melody, band checking lyrics, and a chorus that is sure to be shouted at indiepop dances for years to come are all present here. I might even be so bold as to say that it's the best musical taste factoring into a relationship song since "Pop Songs Your New Boyfriend's Too Stupid to Know About." Oh if only there were a video...
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Stream: Greatest Hits … This Week (Vol. 326)
8 hours ago